for establishing VASPs, issuing tokens, doing mining, making crypto payments
Type of regulation
Virtual Asset Service ProvidersRegulated
Token IssuanceRegulated
Crypto MiningPartially regulated
Decentralised Autonomous OrganisationsPartially regulated
Crypto PaymentsPartially regulated

Overview of Serbia’s Crypto Regulation

Last updated: 20 August 2024

Serbia has implemented the Law on Digital Assets since June 2021, marking a significant step towards establishing a regulated framework for digital assets within the country. This legislation addresses key aspects of issuance, trading, and service provision related to digital assets, aiming to foster a secure, transparent, and efficient market environment for consumers and investors alike.

Licensing and Regulatory Structure for Digital Asset Service Providers

Serbia’s regulatory environment for crypto assets includes the following key aspects:

  • Regulatory Framework: Governed by the Law on Digital Assets, emphasising consumer protection, market integrity, and anti-money laundering measures. This legislation paves the way for a well-rounded and thorough regulatory framework, addressing the growing interest in digital assets from both Serbian and international stakeholders.
  • Issuance Requirements: Mandates the preparation of White Papers to ensure transparency and detailed asset information for informed investment decisions.
  • Service Provider Compliance: Specific registration and compliance requirements apply, with license application fees ranging from EUR 25,000 to EUR 125,000 based on the nature of the service.
  • Efficient Licensing Process: Decision turnaround within 60 days for licensing digital asset services.

Specific Areas of Regulation

  • Token Issuance: Mandates the preparation of White Papers to ensure transparency and detailed asset information for informed investment decisions, highlighting Serbia’s efforts to ensure market transparency and integrity.
  • Crypto Mining: Permitted under current law without specific oversight.
  • Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs): Not regulated currently, indicating potential future development within Serbia’s digital asset legal framework.

Insights from D&A Partners

Our comprehensive report delves into Serbia’s regulatory framework for crypto assets, highlighting:

1. Business Analysis

The report delves deeper into Serbia’s crypto asset regulatory framework, providing a comprehensive guide for crypto businesses. It examines essential aspects, such as

  • Licensing Pathway: An analysis of Serbia’s licensing process for digital asset services, that underscores the emphasis on financial prerequisites and procedural efficiency, highlighting the country’s commitment to developing a regulated and transparent digital asset ecosystem.

2. Compliance Guidance

Emphasising the importance of thorough preparation and compliance, the report offers detailed insights into compliance requirements, such as

  • AML Regulations: Insights into AML and compliance frameworks, highlighting the importance of adherence to both national and international standards in the prevention of financial crimes.
  • Taxation: Overview of taxation and financial planning considerations for crypto businesses operating within the jurisdiction, reflecting the need for strategic operational structuring.

3. Launch Roadmaps

Actionable steps and up-to-date strategies for establishing and operating your crypto project in Serbia’s regulatory environment, ensuring a smooth and compliant launch.

4. Expert Insights

Perspectives from industry experts with a deep understanding of global regulatory environments, offering guidance to navigate the complexities of Serbia’s crypto regulations.

Why Choose Serbia?

Serbia’s implementation of the Law on Digital Assets has created a legal environment conducive for individuals and companies to own and trade cryptocurrencies. While personal use of digital assets is permitted without specific permits or licenses, transactions involving cryptocurrencies as a means of payment require the involvement of a licensed service provider. The country has seen a gradual increase in cryptocurrency projects, reflecting growing interest and a supportive legal framework.

Why Choose Our Report?

D&A Partners brings a wealth of experience in navigating global crypto regulations. Our detailed reports and comprehensive crypto regulation map, including an in-depth look at Serbia, provide valuable insights into local crypto regulations.

Our substantial experience in setting up and operating FinTech ventures, issuing digital tokens, and conducting crypto transactions in this jurisdiction equips us with the necessary insights to support you through every stage of developing your business in Serbia.

Practical Considerations

For businesses and investors navigating Serbia’s crypto asset sector, consider the following practical tips:

  • Crypto Payments: Only licensed Digital Asset Service Providers (DASP) can accept digital assets as payment for goods and services in retail trade; direct customer payments to traders are not permitted.

Source: Law on Digital Assets 2021

This website provides information for general guidance purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice.