for establishing VASPs, issuing tokens, doing mining
Type of regulation
Virtual Asset Service ProvidersRegulated
Token IssuanceRegulated
Crypto MiningPartially regulated
Decentralised Autonomous OrganisationsPartially regulated
Crypto PaymentsNot regulated

Overview of Liechtenstein’s Crypto Regulation

Last updated: 20 August 2024

Liechtenstein has emerged as a pioneer in digital finance regulation with the introduction of the Token and Trustworthy Technology Service Providers Act (TVTG), commonly known as the Blockchain Act. Enacted on January 1, 2020, the TVTG establishes a comprehensive legal framework designed to accommodate the evolving landscape of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and crypto assets.

At the core of Liechtenstein’s regulatory strategy is the TVTG’s broad applicability to any type of DLT, making it a versatile and future-proof framework. The Act’s wide-ranging definition of a token as an independent object of civil law facilitates a seamless integration of digital assets into traditional legal concepts of ownership and rights. This proactive approach underscores Liechtenstein’s commitment to fostering innovation while ensuring a secure and regulated environment for digital assets.

Licensing and Regulatory Structure for Trustworthy Technology Service Providers

Liechtenstein’s regulatory environment for crypto assets, underpinned by the TVTG, includes the following key aspects:

  • Token Definition and Rights Transfer: Tokens are legally recognised under the TVTG as representations of civil law rights, equating their transfer with the transfer of underlying rights, thereby granting token holders ownership of these assets.
  • Capital Requirements: The Act stipulates minimum capital requirements for token issuance, ranging from 50,000 to 250,000 Swiss Francs (CHF), ensuring financial stability for issuing entities. Trustworthy Technology (TT) Service Providers must meet capital requirements ranging from 30,000 to CHF 100,000 to obtain licensing.
  • TT Service Providers Licensing: Professional TT Service Providers must undergo a licensing process that takes up to three months and involves a nominal fee of CHF 1,500.

Specific Areas of Regulation

  • Token Issuance: The TVTG mandates the preparation of a White Paper for token issuers, promoting transparency and informed investor decision-making.
  • Crypto Mining: Liechtenstein currently lacks specific regulations governing crypto mining activities, allowing mining operations to proceed without direct regulatory oversight.
  • Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs): DAOs are not explicitly regulated under the current legal framework in Liechtenstein, indicating a potential area for future regulatory development.

Insights from D&A Partners

Our comprehensive report delves into Liechtenstein’s regulatory framework for crypto assets, highlighting:

1. Business Analysis

The report delves deeper into Liechtenstein’s crypto asset regulatory framework, providing a roadmap for crypto businesses.

2. Compliance Guidance

Emphasising the importance of thorough preparation and compliance, the report offers detailed insights into compliance requirements, such as

  • AML Regulations: Insights into AML and compliance frameworks, highlighting the importance of adherence to both national and international standards in the prevention of financial crimes.
  • Taxation: Overview of taxation and financial planning considerations for crypto businesses operating within the jurisdiction, reflecting the need for strategic operational structuring.

3. Launch Roadmaps

Actionable steps and up-to-date strategies for establishing and operating your crypto project in Liechtenstein’s regulatory environment, ensuring a smooth and compliant launch.

4. Expert Insights

Perspectives from industry experts with a deep understanding of global regulatory environments offer guidance to navigate the complexities of Liechtenstein’s crypto regulations.

Why Choose Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein’s adoption of the TVTG positions the principality as a leading FinTech hub, offering an innovative and flexible legal framework that remains relevant amid rapid technological advancements in blockchain and digital assets.

Why Choose Our Report?

At D&A Partners, we have been deeply involved in the navigation of crypto regulations worldwide and offer in-depth analysis of crypto regulations by country or region through our crypto regulation map and reports, including Liechtenstein’s TVTG.

Our extensive experience in the setup and operation of various FinTech ventures, issuance of digital tokens, and execution of crypto transactions within this jurisdiction equip us with valuable insights into the local crypto regulations. This expertise enables us to guide you through every step of setting up your business in the principality seamlessly.

Practical Considerations

For businesses and investors navigating Liechtenstein’s crypto asset sector, consider the following practical tips:

  • The Blockchain Act: The Act covers a broad spectrum of blockchain-related services beyond digital assets, cultivating a supportive ecosystem comprising accountants, banks, and other services crucial for crypto businesses. The presence of knowledgeable and experienced service providers ensures that companies operating in the digital asset space have access to specialised expertise.
  • Regulatory Framework: Liechtenstein’s advanced regulatory framework and stringent compliance requirements, including investor protection and AML/CFT measures, may pose challenges for smaller or less-funded crypto projects.

Source: Token and Trustworthy Technology Service Providers Act (TVTG), 2020

This website provides information for general guidance purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice.