for establishing VASPs, issuing tokens, making crypto payments
Type of regulation
Virtual Asset Service ProvidersRegulated
Token IssuancePartially regulated
Crypto MiningPartially regulated
Decentralised Autonomous OrganisationsPartially regulated
Crypto PaymentsRegulated

Overview of Bahrain's Crypto Regulation

Last updated: 20 August 2024

Bahrain has established a transparent, comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto assets, positioning itself as a significant player in the global blockchain landscape. The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has introduced a licensing system that meticulously addresses various crypto activities, reflecting a proactive approach to Bahrain’s crypto regulation.

Licensing and Regulatory Structure for Crypto Asset Service Providers

Bahrain’s regulatory environment for crypto assets includes the following key aspects:

  • Licensing Categories: The CBB has delineated four specific licence categories tailored to different crypto activities.
  • Licence Fees: Fees range from $5,000 to $30,000, depending on the activity’s nature.
  • Capital Requirements: Minimum capital requirements vary from $65,000 to $800,000, with crypto exchanges requiring the highest capital.
  • Application Process: The process to obtain a licence can take up to three months.

Specific Areas of Regulation

  • Token issuance: Only the issuance of digital tokens (that are deemed securities under CBB law) is regulated.
  • Crypto Mining: Currently, there is no specific legal framework regulating crypto mining in Bahrain.
  • Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs): DAOs lack formal legal guidance or regulatory standards in Bahrain at present.

Insights from D&A Partners

Our comprehensive report delves into Bahrain’s regulatory framework for crypto assets, highlighting:

1. Business Analysis

The report delves deeper into Bahrain’s crypto asset regulatory framework, providing a comprehensive guide for crypto businesses. It examines essential aspects, such as

  • Crypto Asset Issuance: Comprehensive insights on the classification and issuance process of crypto assets under Bahraini law, essential for companies looking to issue digital tokens.
  • Service Provider Licensing: A step-by-step guide to obtaining a crypto asset service provider licence, enriched by our firsthand experiences, to help businesses navigate the complexities of the licensing process.

2. Compliance Guidance

Emphasising the importance of thorough preparation and compliance, the report offers detailed insights into compliance requirements such as

  • AML Regulations: Detailed examination of Anti-Money Laundering frameworks, emphasising adherence to both national and international standards to ensure compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.
  • Taxation: In-depth analysis of crypto asset taxation and financial planning considerations, providing businesses with essential guidance on tax obligations and benefits.

3. Launch Roadmaps

Actionable steps and up-to-date strategies for establishing and operating your crypto project in Bahrain’s regulatory environment, ensuring a smooth and compliant launch.

4. Expert Insights

Perspectives from industry experts with a deep understanding of global regulatory environments, offering guidance to navigate the complexities of Bahrain’s crypto regulations.

Why Choose Bahrain?

Bahrain’s proactive approach to crypto regulation and its strategic position in the MENA market, coupled with a low-tax environment and rigorous compliance requirements, make it an attractive destination for well-capitalised crypto businesses. The country’s regulatory framework prioritises investor protection and aligns with international standards, though obtaining licences and the need for substantial capital present challenges for new entrants.

Why Choose Our Report?

At D&A Partners, we have been deeply involved in the navigation of crypto regulations worldwide and offer in-depth analysis of crypto regulations by country or region through our crypto regulation map and reports, including Bahrain’s.

Our extensive experience in the setup and operation of various FinTech ventures, issuance of digital tokens, and execution of crypto transactions within this jurisdiction equips us with valuable insights into the local crypto regulations. This expertise enables us to guide you through every step of setting up your business in the kingdom seamlessly.

Practical Considerations

For businesses and investors navigating Bahrain’s crypto asset sector, consider the following practical tips:

  • Regulatory Scope: The CBB’s rulebook primarily addresses the issuance of digital tokens qualifying as securities, indicating that the regulations may not cover all aspects comprehensively.
  • Ecosystem: Bahrain has developed a well-regulated environment, emphasising investor protection and aligning with international regulatory standards.
  • Barriers to Entry: New entrants face obstacles due to the complexities of licensing and substantial capital requirements.
  • Strategic Advantages: Its strategic location in the MENA market and favourable tax policies enhance Bahrain’s appeal to serious, well-capitalised crypto ventures.

Source: Central Bank of Bahrain Volume 6, Capital Markets, CRA Crypto-Asset

This website provides information for general guidance purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice.