for establishing VASPs, issuing tokens, doing mining, making crypto payments
Type of regulation
Virtual Asset Service ProvidersRegulated
Token IssuanceRegulated
Crypto MiningPartially regulated
Decentralised Autonomous OrganisationsPartially regulated
Crypto PaymentsRegulated

Overview of Denmark’s Crypto Regulation

Last updated: 20 August 2024

As a Member State of the European Union, Denmark is subject to EU regulations concerning digital assets. In 2023, the EU adopted the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), a comprehensive regulatory framework designed to oversee the crypto asset market across the EU.

MiCA began to come into force partially on 30 June 2024, specifically concerning asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens. These provisions aim to regulate the issuance and management of such tokens, ensuring compliance with stringent consumer protection and financial stability standards. The full implementation of MiCA, including all other provisions related to crypto asset service providers (CASPs), is scheduled for December 2024.

Please see the European Union's dedicated page for an in-depth understanding of the MiCA regulation and its implications for the EU's crypto asset market.

This website provides information for general guidance purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice.